
Run GUI autotests on remote server

Here is the simple, but very useful instruction how to run GUI test automation scripts on the remote server.

1. Open "Remote desktop connection" window, click "Options" button, then "Save As..." and save "*.rdp" file in any place.
2. Open *.rdp file in Notepad and add to the end of file string: "smart sizing:i:1" without quotes. Make sure that parameters "desktopwidth:i:1280" and "desktopheight:i:1024" has values which match desktop resolution on a server. If you wish, you can change parameter value "session bpp:i:8" to "session bpp:i:24" for more comfort colors.
3. Use this *.rdp file for launching RDC session by clicking on it.

After tests launch on the remote server you can change size the RDC Session window, but don't minimize and don't overlap it with another windows - it is very important.

Optional: for keeping RDC Session window always on top, you can use free software "Hotkey manager"  http://www.killprog.com/hkme.html. After install "Hotkey manager" run it, icon appears in system tray, then hold Ctrl button and right-click on "Maxmimize" button on RDC Session window, RDC window becomes always on top. For keeping window always on top, you can use other software too or just control it manually.

In order to keep RDC closed, you can set specific registry values, as it is described at Running Tests in Minimized Remote Desktop Windows article.

1 comment:

  1. The link shown on Running Tests in Minimized Remote Desktop Windows has a typo and is a broken link. The correct link is as follows:

